Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Tuesday Like A Monday

Fog at Montserrat

Today didn't go so well (I guess, in the scheme of things it wasn't so bad). It was just disappointing because yesterday went so well! I woke up and showered, only to discover that Encarna had prepared breakfast while I was showering and expected me to come eat. This explains nothing...basically, Encarna and I have a battle every morning over breakfast. She makes it at all the wrong times and yells my name until I come to the table (usually I am naked or brushing my teeth...plus I am not a breakfast eater). I then discovered that today was the day I was supposed to meet with the Vice Chancellor of Appalachian, because he was visiting UPO. I rushed out of the house, the bus never came, and I missed the meeting. Ugh!

Hannah on the steps to knowledge

However, I have become obsessed and inspired by the new Sufjan Stevens album that Miles sent to me yesterday! I haven't stopped listening yet! I have been doing a lot of photo editing and trying of new things! AND I saw some very interesting things on the news tonight. I'm not completely clear on what was going on (we are going on my Spanish to English interpretation here), but, I saw a naked man running through a neighborhood (jumping on cars, no less), Russian girls protesting something by going topless, and a grandma doing acrobatics. An eventful night in the world, to say the least.

But this makes me laugh everytime...this commercial plays all the time here in Spain, I can't get over the song choice (clearly, English isn't heavily understood).

In Spain they have sooo many commercials for chocolate; they always advertise it as being great for your health, especially children. I could get used to that!

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