Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Plaza De Toros, Sevilla, España

I guess it was already a week ago, but I had the opportunity to attend a real Spanish bullfight. I was a bit apprehensive about going because of horror stories that I heard from people who had gone the Sunday before me. Apparently, two of the matadors (called torerros in Spanish) were seriously injured (like bleeding from the femoral artery!!! Too much detail?). I was also secretly worried that some small part of me that loves animals would be traumatized. Despite all of my preconceived notions, the bullfight was not brutal, simply interesting, and maybe a little boring. I found myself waiting for someone to get hurt just for a little excitement (so that is the real appeal of the sport, ha ha).
In a bullfight, there are six bulls and 3 torerros (so, each fighter gets two attempts). As you can imagine, this process takes a while. The first two fights were very interesting, but the last ones just became repetitive. There is a lot going on but the sequence never changes throughout the entirety of the event.

There are so many theatrics that go on within a bullfight from the costumes to the way that the torerros walk!!! Not to mention the horses that distract the bulls, the removal party, and live brass band! Overall, I would call it a worthwhile cultural experience. I didn't find that it was very brutal, though I can't say watching something die is my favorite pastime.

Yesterday, there was a nationwide strike in Spain. Everything was supposed to shut down, but the turnout wasn't as great as hoped for. I was still expected to go to school, despite limited public transportation, however, most people didn't make it too class (unfortunately, I was one who did). Also, my new food obsession is tortilla España,
I will try to find a recipe soon. Essentially, it is what the Spanish define as an omelet and it is fattening me up!

Photo Update

I never, ever go to Starbucks...but I guess I do in Spain. The pastries look so much more delicious here!

The photos below were taken on an outing in El Parque María Luisa. It is a beautiful, huge park with wonderful gardens and architecture. Unfortunately, my camera died and I didn't capture much. But there are a few photos.

This yellow is prevalent throughout the city, it can be seen almost everywhere. From what I can tell this is some sort of Jewish center, maybe some research is in order.

Above is the Plaza De España, basically all of the government buildings in Sevilla. This picture does not do justice for how huge and incredibly beautiful this place is. I stumbled upon at night time when the lighting was just right, I must try and do that again (with a camera this time).

Many of the buildings throughout the park look like the above. I was able to go to the art and archaeology museums, both in the park, and are located in what look like palaces (fully decorated in hand painted tiles)!!!

After seeing that beauty, you are wondering, "what is this ugly apartment building doing here?" Right? Well, this my friends, is my home away from home! My Amigas and I lovingly call it "Avenida De La Hood" instead of Avenida De La Paz (well, because we kind of live in the hood).
More to come soon!

Friday, September 17, 2010

15 Days, That's All?

Since I left my family and cool weather behind in Antwerp, I haven't been able to motivate myself to post anything. I would love to say it is because I have been so distracted by my incredible new home, but that would be a lie. I only arrived here last Sunday however, it feels like a lifetime ago. Let's just say that Sevilla and I didn't get off to a great start. I have enough details to write a short novel but I promise to spare you!

I left Brussels with new clothes and a brave face and arrived there soaked in sweat and choking back tears. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad. On the plane ride, I met a lovely Belgian girl named Flor who is studying at the University of Seville. We helped each other manage until we needed to part ways. Those of you who know me understand my struggle with bus systems and generally with public transportation (I blame it on living in Boone too long!). So arriving by bus was a lofty goal requiring a lot of effort with broken Spanish and a very uncomfortable conversation with an old man on the bus. He knew where I was going but wouldn't stop waving rosemary in my face and asking about the political climate in the U.S. (in Spanish). Oh, did I not mention that? No one in Seville speaks English. Talk about immersion. More like submersion and I'm drowning! I promise to do my best and give real, timely updates from now on (and hopefully, if my internet doesn't fail, there will be pictures!).

Friday, September 3, 2010

Antwerpen, Belgium

Somehow I made it here. The last time that I was in Antwerp I was thirteen however, things look just the same.
After a very sad departure, I ended up in the middle seat of an international flight between a charismatic American with a sugar mama and an adorable Belgian girl who is destined to be my best friend (nevermind that she speaks French). Considering the circumstances and the amenities lacking on the plane, I couldn't have asked for better! So far I've spent the day observing Dutch conversation and drinking entirely too much espresso. Did I mention that my uncle has recently moved into a renovated post office, located on the square where we spent dinner listening to an orchestra warming up below the balcony??? How perfect! Beautiful architecture, food, and music. Good night- it is only 4:30 for you but it is way past my bedtime!

All I am missing is amazing NC water!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Goodbye Boone, Hola Sevilla

It feel like any other day in Brevard but, it is Wednesday so that means I leave tomorrow. How did September 2nd happen so fast??? I promise I will get excited! My security blanket is that I am leaving tomorrow to fly to Belgium where I will meet my mom and other family--so it's not quite the day of reckoning.

I need to do my final packing and errands but, I have been feeling really nostalgic about leaving Boone and college for that matter! I am so going to miss fall in the mountains, football games, snow, trivia at Galileo's, homemade dinner with friends, themed parties, mimosas, birthdays, Thai Food, and mostly, all of the incredible people who became my best friends!!!