Sunday, June 26, 2011

I love the south

How much of a Southerner I am has recently come to my attention.
(Not gonna lie, I don't hate it!) This realization did come as a bit of a surprise because I never realized how many of my mentalities and mannerisms are distinctly southern.


I mean what's to dislike about BBQ, grits, sweet temperaments, sweet tea, beautiful mountains, cheerwine, and generally North Carolina itself?

C/O In North Carolina
Only 2nd to my love of Cherry Lemon Sundrop!

I love the...


Fresh produce and perfect peaches

Hot Hike!

Summer hikes and the always accessible outdoors

Growing up in the Land of Waterfalls, BNC
(Me as a kid at Looking Glass Falls)


BBQ- Especially when it is from 12 Bones in Asheville, NC
(the collard greens are the heat!)

And...the Avett Brothers!

I am currently listening to this beautiful song on repeat!

It feels great to be so passionate about my home and while I am not ready to settle down in WNC just yet, I know that I can never stay away for too long. It's just where I belong.


Yet another birthday has come and gone and I find myself feeling old.
This may sound ridiculous, but the idea of being in my 20s is sort of intimidating.
When did all this happen?


I sometimes feel so unprepared for living life as as 'adult'!
(oh well, there is no stopping the aging process but maybe I'll be the youngest yet to lie about my age?!!)

Thanks to all of my friends and family who went out of their way to make me feel special on my birthday!!!

I loved being sung to at midnight, being made an incredible chocolate cheesecake, having a cookout with family and eating an excess of sushi.
So while I am more than happy that my birthday is over, I am so happy to be loved by so many wonderful people!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

White Squirrel Festival

Being perpetually behind as I am, I will now regale you with my account of the White Squirrel Fest over Memorial Day weekend. If you know me or have any acquaintance with Brevard, NC at all, you are well aware that white squirrels are very serious business in this town. They aren't albino and while we aren't the ONLY town that has them, we're the best!!! The town loves to push the white squirrel bit on tourists and I'm pretty sure that the tourists love it; from white squirrel poop to white squirrel beer.

I am a little embarrassed to admit that I read an excerpt from a Transylvania County periodical that equated the white squirrel to other mythical creatures such as unicorns and the Loch Ness Monster...I hope that sheds some light. Anyway, don't judge us too harshly and please don't refuse to come visit me!!!!




The town of Brevard was trying to set a Guiness World Record for the most dancing white squirrels in one place...I don't know if that was successful or not.

My lovely friend Madeline hanging out in the Beer Garden. What's that you ask? Why yes, Brevard actually served progressive!

This is Brittany being beautiful as always!

We went to Cielito Lindo, my favorite hometown Mexican restaurant, for dinner and Holly and I proceeded to order 'accidental' grandes.


Finishing these beers was honestly a struggle.

And...on to my favorite part of the day, seeing Jill Andrews perform! I am newly obsessed sooo, if you haven't listened to her or The Everybodyfields PLEASE do!


She is so talented and beautiful. I listen to this song at least once a day. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


It seems like yesterday that I was in the pit of despair, worried about how to fill all of my free time and panicked about what was next!!!
Well, I'm still worried about what's next, BUT I certainly do not have any free time.

The past couple of weeks have been so busy with work, friends, a trip to Boone, and planning for the future. So here is a little look at what I have been up to:



Exploring all of the features of my new camera!


Cooking!!! The unbelievable strawberry-rhubarb pie is not pictured!
(It was so good and so easy that I have to make another!)


Visiting Highland Brewery in Asheville with my lovely ladies for a fun evening of beer tasting and delicious food at Tupelo Honey Cafe!


A trip to Boone to visit friends and interview for grad school!
(ps: I was accepted into the MBA program!!! Now to be or not to be?)


A visit with Archie, Zack, and Cameron!


My first time fly fishing (and I actually liked it!)
Too bad Miles caught this fish and not me.

More updates to come but I must get started on my to do list!

I have been dreaming of a D-SLR camera for quite some time so, I splurged and bought a Nikon D-5100 about a week ago. Needless to say, I am obsessed. I have so much to learn however, I can't believe that with my feeble skills I am still able to capture such amazing photos! Hopefully you will see the difference in my photography and frequency of posting!