Wednesday, December 15, 2010


My first though every morning is, "how much longer?"
5 days and two exams stand in my way now
5 of the slowest days EVER and 1 frightening exam
(maybe it's only 4 1/2 days now...)

The point is, I can't wait!

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Here are some snapshots that I took around Sevilla, while I was out and about in the rain last week!
(at least the rain was replaced by 70 degree weather and sun; I'm kind of dreading the bitter cold back home)

The top three photos are of the Cathedral of Sevilla, The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See
According to Wikipedia, it is the 3rd largest church in the world and the largest Gothic style church
The interior is unlike any other cathedral that I have been in; it is very segmented and has a lot of open space.
Plus, Christopher Columbus is buried here!

The other building is a typical government building, in a nicer part of the city. The orange trees are my favorite! They are ALL over the city and the oranges have just become orange. They are so beautiful.

A new development, is the appearance of the beauty in my kitchen!
I stumbled in one morning to make my coffee and this is what I discovered

Being in Spain, this isn't an unfamiliar sight however, I was hoping not to find it at home! Encarna just keeps chipping away at this leg and serving it to me, ugh! The ham is quite good and famous around the world (it can only be cured in Andalusia and is made from special pigs) but I can't eat it anymore. The presence of the whole leg and the smell makes me feel physically ill (I know I should like knowing where my food comes from, but I am a baby and I don't). Speaking of food, I think that Spain has turned me into a vegetarian. I could go the rest of my life without eating anymore pig and I am sick of eating mystery meat. Veggies here I come.

More to come as I count down, pace the floors, and procrastinate until I study.
All I can think is Venice, Venice, Venice

1 comment:

  1. i will take that pig leg off your hands any day of the week. congratulations on almost being done! i can't wait too
