Wednesday, June 23, 2010

An Echoing House

I am currently seated on the only remaining piece of "furniture" in my house, the cushion from my papa son. Technically, I don't have to move out until the first of the month however, my parents schedule didn't quite align with that date. So, here I sit amongst the remnants of all of my things and the trash of moving, contemplating what kind of meal I can make with no cookware and some old food in my fridge (promising, I know). I can't imagine what kind of night I am going to have sleeping on an inflatable mattress in the middle of an otherwise empty room!

I've gotten what I wanted, to move out of this filthy, isolated house, but in a way it is bittersweet because I will also be giving up a lot of freedom and personal space to be free of it. I don't think I thought out the idea of couch surfing for a month very thoroughly. But, then again, maybe I'm dwelling in the emptiness and not seeing the potential adventure? I mean, I am the person that snuck into the Red Carpet Inn pool today (talk about great people watching)! This could just be an opportunity to embrace instability, something I should get used to since I will be moving to a foreign country in a matter of months! I am going to try and enjoy the last week of my two year stay on Greenbriar Ln. (despite how rocky that stay has been)!!!

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